To access the wireless as a sponsored guest of the University, please have the person sponsoring you log in to with their myUMB username and password and fill out the appropriate information.
To create a guest account
- To create an account for a guest, visit
- Login using your myUM username and password.
- Once you are logged in you’ll see Create a single Guest Account in the upper right. Click on that to get to the creation screen.
- Just fill out the form (all the fields are required) and set the account start and end date (30 day max).
- After you click Add User, you will be presented with the options to e-mail the account information to the email address entered on the previous screen or to print the account information.
- The print-out of the e-mail will have instructions and the username and password for the guest to access the wireless network until the end date of the account is reached.
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